Why not solve Ishtar afk’ing yourself

It seems everywhere I look on discord forums reddit twitter. Everyone is complaining about the people that have 20 Ishtar spinning different sites and how it’s causing to much inflation and asking ccp to stop it or lower bounty prices. Why not just go blow them up ? It’s a pvp game there in null sec there accounts are afk so go crazy. There seems to be enough people against these isk farms that you should be able to make. Decent enough fleet to wander into null sec and blow stuff up. So maybe instead of asking ccp to change the rules just go and change them yourself.

Note: yes Ik they make lots of isk so a couple losses won’t cause to much damage but you have a daily fleet or every other day fleet to blow them up just remember. there having to buy 500 plex a month and also pay for new Ishtar every day it’s not going to be easy to make a profit.

Oh look, a Frat making a case for botting.

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because they automatically warp under a forcefield anytime anyone not blue enters the local? the sad thing is, you mainly catch the legit players, the bots almost always escape.

Null (and any other space) should benefit from the same great experiences like WHSpace: all the most lucrative sites should have tackle in it. Somestimes pretty hard tackle. Those players who know how it feels being scrambled by two Sleepless Safeguards when the scout reports a hostile fleet coming in know what I mean, thats adrenaline.


It’s the same issue with telling people “Oh just stop ganking by yourself, make it unprofitable for them” or “oh just go destroy the wardec corps HQ” or “oh just go out-loot the macro/bot looters in Jita”.

The base behaviors (ganking, Ishtar farming, wardeccing, loot botting) are profitable. But the “anti” behaviors are massive time-wasters that essentially give no return.

People are driven, for the most part, by economic behaviors. They want to see a reasonable return (however they define ‘return’) on their time and effort. Spending hours trying to trap a couple ships doing activity X and getting a few cheap disposable drops as loot is utterly pointless.

Some people do it here and there for a grudge or a laugh or just to see the reaction. But as a counter to 24/7 behaviors it’s a complete waste.

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Lies. They are all bots. Dozens and dozens of bots, more bots than human players behind the computer and by a large margin. It is disgusting.

It’s a damn shame that CCP allows and condones these large alliances use of bots, and refuses to enact penalties on the corps and alliances that knowingly use bot accounts and make isk through corp taxes on those bots ratting.

The real question is why the null-sec aliances aren’t doing more about it, since it’s pretty much either sanctioned or outright ignored? It seems (emphasis on “seems”) like most are happy to just turn a blind eye and enjoy the extra tax revenue…

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It is more profitable to wait inside a control tower defence bubble to wait for local to clear.

Why in the hell would anyone want to waste their personal time to chase a target that would instawarp the second they enter local anyway ?

You guys make the choice to fly these stupid multiplexed fleets and inflate the market, and others don’t even bother chasing you for it, so stfu about taking public fire about your choice of gameplay (and ruining it for others), at the very least, and have some class.

Yeah that’s what we need- another nerf to bounty payouts. That’s a terrible idea.

A revert of the latest buff then?

Why? There have already been too many nerfs as it is. Salvage, mining, etc… Soon everyone will have to buy PLEX to have cash. CCP would love that- way more money for them.

Nerfs to ISK income don’t lead to ‘buying PLEX to have cash’.

Nerfs to ISK income means less ISK is entering the game. It means less inflation, the ISK people have and get is worth more.

If you earn less ISK, but everyone else also earns less ISK your buying power stays the same. There’s no need to buy PLEX to have cash.


I know what less ISK means. It means less ISK. The market doesn’t lower its prices because you have less money.

fratbot detected, opinion invalid

Honestly, if it was going to happen - it would’ve happened by now. They’ve left too much time since the change to stock up on pitchforks and torches…

Well can’t speak for the alliance but I know at least for my corp we aren’t botters so not to sure what your trying to say.

The real question is why do you people comment on nullsec despite knowing absolutely nothing about it. POS shields? ROFL If people were botting, CCP would be all over that. Are you suggesting that CCP allow botting in EVE? Sounds like some Alex Jones conspiracy theory-crafting to me.