Well, there’s a problem.
That’s nice. You’re the first.
Thank you!
I wish it had been a good one, though.
First of all I’d like to point out that I’m not spmeone to be holding a grudge. Considering that injectors have been a thing for a long while, I believe it would be completely silly to keep playing and being angry about this! That’s just dumb. Holding a grudge is pretty dumb in general, as it lowers quality of life massively.
So, after this disclaimer …
This boils down to envy.
Think of all the people who aren’t “upset” by this, like myself. Make no mistake, I was bothered by the fact that character progression wasn’t an important thing anymore and I was also bothered by the fact that it completely destroyed the perceived importance of ones character the player plays, but I am not bothered by the people’s ability to buy skill points.
The game thrived from people who valued their skillpoints and progression. People used to say “Everyone’s a role-player in EVE” for a very good reason. Unlike any other so called MMORPG, the freedom in EVE combined with the forced slow progression made it feel like you’re actually really a member of a collection of space (war)faring civilizations.
I was proud of my character too.
The Resident OutLaw of Hek and the people loved me there!
I even had a ■■■■■■■ fanbase! I wasn’t a role player in the sense of other role players in EVE,
but none the less did it feel like I’m actually playing a role in all of this and that it mattered!
It mattered, because I’ve been playing for two years until it made “click” and I “got” the game …
… and that only happened exactly because of slow character progression.
Being able to extract and inject skillpoints completely fucks up the perceived importance of ones character …
… devaluing it to a mere tool you use to fly space-ships!
I was not bothered by that which others could do, that I couldn’t do.
I am never bothered by other peoples’ ability to afford something that I can’t.
None of my reasons for being “upset” about this are about money …
… because money means envy …
… and envy doesn’t deserve sympathy!
Thank you for your reply, Draco, but this particular problem isn’t actually one.