Will a Noctis fit through a medium sized wormhole?

You don’t really want to go down the numbers road, unless you are trying purposely to collapse a wormhole.

You can get the mass limits from (I have this info copied into my in-game notepad):


Then look at every ‘info’ on your ship; hull, modules, and rigs; for anything that affects mass. Prop-mods like MWD and afterburner are often mentioned, as are armor plates, because they have a very large effect, but there are many others with small mass that can tip-the-scale.

I could be wrong, but I think the only skill to affect mass is Armor Layering. Others can feel free to correct me.

Heavy Interdictors are a special-case because of their warp disruptor field generator, and I can rarely keep track of the buf / nerf state of them. Again, look at all the info!

Now can you see why I opted for simple answer! I didn’t even get to the spreadsheet yet!