According to the following; if a ship is pointed by the end of a server tick but the ship is also ready to warp, the tackler will see the point take effect then the ship will warp off.
Now what if the ship would not have been ready to warp at the end of a tick, but the ship is webbed at the same time as it is pointed, the web making it’s speed adequate to warp. Will the tackler see the point and web activate on the target then the target will warp off as before?
The change of state (from subwarp to warp) is a separate part of the end of tick. It is handled AFTER all events are handled, just like the changes of orders.
If your command is received BEFORE the tick where the ship should end alignment , then you point it. Webbed or not.
In your case, the pointer receives the “locked” AFTER T2 so it can’t point BEFORE T2 which is the tick where the taxi can warp.
So, if you web and point, the taxi should stop : the point will land BEFORE the end of the tick at which it should warp off.