Bare in mind, if you’re mapped with Perception maxed and the rest of your attribute points in Willpower, you’re still gaining 34 skill points per minute with the remap vs. 30 skill points per minute without the remap. So while it’s not super optimized, it’s still more efficient than without the remap.
I dont know why its flipped. My assumption is that they did this to slow down skilling into T2 ships instead of increasing the skill multipler. Especially since some of them are at 8 already… and training times would get gross at 9 or 10.
Will/Per exists in addition to Per/Will skills to allow players to make more choices. As that’s what all the attribute training speeds is about: making choices for optimisation. That doesn’t mean training for will/per with a per/will attribute map is sub-optimal, it may be the optimal choice given the circumstances (length of training, amount of remaps available, amount of cash for injectors available). Or you may be able to do better with a remap if you choose to do so.
Just because a Per/Will attribute map is not perfect for a Will/Per skill, it’s still a lot better than an Int/Mem map. That doesn’t mean you require bonus remaps to swap between Will/Per and Per/Will, but it is an option.
Options, choices, optimisation. Some people find it fun to plan ahead to get a small edge, and that is a gameplay style CCP is catering to with the training attributes.
Sometimes I like it and try to get a good skill plan for my current attributes, and sometimes I’m lazy and train everything on an alt with default attributes. I may miss out on some SP, but that’s my choice!
The way I see it, EVE was built for OCD people… at least the RPG elements of games are meant for addictive OCD. It’s what gets players to inject.
The problem here is not whether or not attributes are a viable way to add complexity to the game, it’s simply that the 365 remap timer is far to long and punishing at certain stages of EVE.
Improved implants give an optimized player 23,328,000 SP per year, but only the big profiles (like int/mem, perc/will) can utilize a full year of optimization. Remaps like char/mem for trade or int/perc for navigation only take maybe half of that time and you end up with garbage optimization for the rest of the year.
When you have specific ones flipped like these T2 ship skills, it’s not only that there is a limited amount in total, but you can’t expect players to train up every single role to T1 just to do all the T2 ones. There are just far too many roles in EVE for pilots to be expected to omni-train.
Your arguments are correct to some degree. It will be nice to reduce the Remap timer to 6 months. If you can plan your leveling progression well enough, a 1 year Remap timer shouldn’t be an issue. EVE University has a good page on their site about it.
Long story short. There are Primary and Secondary attributes and the formula
Obviously you should always keep the Primary attribute maxed based on what you are training your character for. I’ll suggest for all new pilots to keep Intellect maxed during the first year in EVE. If you are going into combat PVE/PVP specialization, just tune up Perception. There’s no point to increase Willpower via Remap for that purpose.
For example, I maxed Perception to train better Spaceship Command, Gunnery and Missiles like two years ago and I’m not interested in changing it during the next 6 months. OMG! It took me like forever to train all BS group skills into V (like 6 months overall) plus additional 3-4 months for Large Gunnery and Missiles.
What I’d really like to change is to reduce the Jump Clone cooldown from 24 hours down to 12 hours by default. It will be very helpful to jump into cheap clones for nul-sec/wh roaming and to log out as soon as possible with expensive level V implants like Ocular Filter - Improved iplant.