Work for CONCORD

Flashy skull out there, what’s keeping you ?

Strange that people think we are role playing. I certainly don’t. I just like to dunk miners. It’s relaxing.

Reminds me of Fallout 3 and Mr President. :wink:

I doubt that. Null boys and girls will just bring their warlust in highsec.

There’s two of you!

This is my main. The only character I use actively in game: slight_smile: Neo Bladedrifter II is just an in-active alt.

Yeah, in-active until he starts pissing you off for treating him like your alt.

Better watch out.


And players taking control of burning Eden.

I have always desired the ability to resign capsuler status allowing me to attack capsuleers in high sec without concord interference. The trade off being if my ship dies my char dies & I lose everything.

CCP could charge an additional $20 pcm per account for this optional non capsuleer slot.

This isn’t even stupid or dumb. Not saying it’s smart or intelligent. No ■■■■■■■ way.
I’m saying that I have no word to express the apparent mental state of this guy.

Better not cry.


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