Wormhole Police MOST WANTED Criminals

Hehe that made me laugh, Attempted


I like to jump into wormholes to dump my sewage tanks. Clean up that mess wh police.

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Talk is so cheapā€¦ screenshots of it never happened!

**[quote=ā€œAzazod, post:324, topic:344825, full:true, username:Azazodā€]
I like to jump into wormholes to dump my sewage tanks. Clean up that mess wh police.

Sir, this is the correct place for admitting your crimesā€¦ And it is also the correct place to receive the appropriate SOCIAL SHAME for your criminal activities.

Now, I want to assure you that while many of the Non Anonymous Karen Complaints are a form of Popularity Contest, every now and then one slips into place for an actual bonifide disgusting criminal.

While you may think itā€™s funny when you create a thousand pounds of poopcicles. No one else shares your joy.

You are a filthy FILTHY man.


Our NonAnonymous Karen Complaint Desk is enjoying our second year providing this vital service!
We strive to continue to be the NUMBER ONE! Karen Complaint Service in all of New Eden!

  • There were 89 Karen Complaints lodged this period!

Visit the WHPD Twitch Stream WEEKDAYS To earn Justice Points, interact with WHPD or DROP A DIME on some Dirtbag! Our 100% non-anonymous Drop-A-Dime program allows Ordinary Citizens to take their Karen Complaints RIGHT TO THE TOP!

If you are interested in Performing Community Service alongside The Wormhole Police, Please visit our Discord to sign up. The Meme Fleet departs on Sunday at 18:00 New Eden time from Caldari space. Reserve your spot in advance and get right with THE LAW!

Dirtbags from the week ending 2023-01-20- See top post for current wanted list.

1.@BLiTzD86 - Community Service COMPLETED with PRIDE
2.@Jester_Queen - Community Service COMPLETED with PRIDE
3.@Solstice_Projekt - FAILED to perform Community Service
4.Joseph_Gh0stie - FAILED to perform Community Service
5.@Ron_Jester - FAILED to perform Community Service
6.Blueberry Beth - NEVER does Community Service
7.Sumfin 7-34 - FAILED to perform Community Service
8.Isabella Gilroy - FAILED to perform Community Service
9.Steamy Nyx - FAILED to perform Community Service
10.Oxzana Blinsky - FAILED to perform Community Service


Whatever happened to Aiko?

Got off because of a substantially large ā€œanonymous donationā€ to your organizations coffers?

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more likely lack of negative security status resulting in no longer being a wanted criminal

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The C&P system in this game is totally jank.



If you were in charge, what changes would you make?

I agree that it is less than optimal that criminals can just get away with stuff in 1.0 systems and the white knights like @Aiko_Danuja suffer unreasonable penalties imposed by O.P. forces with arbitrary, ever-changing, oppressive regulations.



Just some avoiding reply, please make it onto the list next Steam @Ax_l_Thorne

Many of the changes I would make, would happen on the corporate level. Some of which would effect the game mechanics. Otherā€™s, not so much but would more so in the background.

Very much does sound like a solid karren complaint. Will you make it to the next stream?

/corporate manager is whom you wish to speak?

Why would I speak to a manager?

These are simply changes I would implement on the corporate level. What does middle management have to do with this?

And furthermore, they arenā€™t complaints.

All Karen suggestions are really complaints.

Perhaps Vinnie is the manager for this concern come along to his next Stream.

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These arenā€™t suggestions.

Suggestions suggest that there would be some sort of dialogue occurring.

These are things that I would implement ala Elon Musk style. There would be lots of wailing and the gnashing of teeth and crying on tiktok.

No thanks.

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Maybe we look at security status wrong, we set people that are criminal to red regardless of actually ss, the latest change made it meaningless.

Iā€™m currently making a list of groups that have criminal tendencies as well as individuals that will be our kill list until game comes up with a better way.

Aiko will aways be on top of the list :unamused:

I am very optimistic that this list will be compiled in a very objective and unbiased manner.

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As i started i thought that toošŸ˜Š

You would be surprised where you are but the list is for us

And yes its eve so things get muddy