Wormhole Police MOST WANTED Criminals

Now THIS is a claim that very likely has some merit :smiley:

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I picked a bad day to man the phones. Just one Karen after another calling in with intentions to distract our brave officers from their duties with demands to “SHOW ME THE LAW” - It’s not actually my responsibility to show these Karens anything at all except the shooty end of my guns where appropriate. These requests are best directed to the lawyers and judges that operate above my paygrade.

That said… Here is the related law code.

Interstellar Universal Statute Law Health and Safety Code

IUS LEX - Sec. 365.004

Disposal of Garbage, Refuse, and Sewage in Certain Areas Under Control of Parks and Wildlife Department

The Parks and Wildlife Commission may adopt rules to govern the disposal of garbage, refuse, and sewage in regional parks, public water in regional parks, historic sites, scientific areas, wormhole entrances, and forts under the control of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

No, what I am saying is if you do not have jurisdiction under CONCORD, then it’s bogus and you’re a fraud at best.

I would suggest you do not meddle in the affairs of sanctioned activities involved in the ongoing Triglavian crisis.

I can assure you that whatever Parks services you think have jurisdiction over the area around wormholes, they do not.

/me starts a trash can fire in a class 3


CONCORD, You, The Easter Bunny, Some rando passerby all failed to exert any resistance to my right to enforce IUS LEX and enjoy Qualified Immunity where appropriate.

Your claim to authority ended the moment that a solo beat cop in a paper-thin Cheetah confronted your so-called strategic military asset, found it in violation, and exerted his might to destroy it… without challenge.

ALL LAWS are rooted in the ability to actually enforce them.

CONCORD is an impotent crime prevention force, a suspect flag is their only authority in this particular littering incident. I find any comparison between CONCORD and The Wormhole Police’ operating under IUS LEX to be foul.

No enforcement team stands on higher moral ground than that of The Wormhole Police.

In all legal matters, the RIGHT party is the one who put forth the MIGHT to do what they feel is right.

Be fore you go breaking your dilapidated robot hand thumping on your soap box about “SHOW ME THE LAW”… I want you to know that at the end of the day, when I’m all alone in the dark… the only thing that matters is THE LAW.

Interstellar Universal Statute Law

IUS LEX - Sec 1 - Might Makes Right

In all cases related to the dispute of legal authority IUS LEX Sec 1 shall apply. This is based on the simple historical truth that the RIGHT authority is assigned to the party able to exert their MIGHT in any given situation.

Throughout history the idea of “woe to the vanquished” is vividly expressed as far back as Homer, in the hawk parable from Hesiod’s Works and Days, and in Livy, in which the equivalent Latin phrase “vae victis” is first recorded.

The idea, has been attributed to the History of the Peloponnesian War by the ancient historian Thucydides, who stated that “right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

In the first chapter of Plato’s Republic, Thrasymachus claims that “justice is nothing else than the interest of the stronger”, Callicles in Gorgias argues similarly that the strong should rule the weak, as a right owed to their superiority.

Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union campaign address (1860): “Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it”.

It is understood by this governing body that the root of all laws lies in the MIGHT and ABILITY to enforce them.


So the truth comes out. It is by your authority only in which you charge me. Nothing more than a bully with a nice uniform and a trit badge.


Sanctioned by whom?

CONCORD, EDENCOM and the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. You know, REAL organizations with REAL authority.

I feel like a local lawyer watching arguments at the appellate court. Lot of case law getting decided here. Seems to me the pertinent question at play is “Does Wormhole Police authority extend beyond the edge of a wormhole into K-space, and if it so decided, then how far” That feels like a real slippery slope here, and I personally believe that Wormhole Police authority stops at the boundary, but I’m curious to see how the courts rule.

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She’s under the delusion that we all owe her isk.

I mean she DID help during the critical invasion times and she frequents my streams. Me owing her is not outside of the range of possibility.

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As I helped destroy her home in the trig sys and battled the trig supports I didn’t see it that way , maybe you do owe her, the battle for Niarja was indeed epic but I’m sure it was destined to fall.

This is decided law. The only debate is how far. Throughout history an entities borders extended beyond the physical land to encompass areas they feel to be politically important, or to contain important resources. The distance was often contested but at the end of the day, the party with the MIGHT to enforce it was the party to enjoy the benefits.

Our measure of within d-scan range is appropriate. Ask any Maori.

Of course, Empire agents like the Dirtbag Ashterothi will never RESPECT OUR AUTHORITY… From where I stand this ended with A cry from Asterothi … “help help I’m being oppressed” - A fair takeaway but it is proof that our authority does in fact extend beyond the wormhole via righteous might.

I think that your claim that WP authority extends 14.3 AU in every direction from every wormhole in K space is a wild legal overreach. Now, I understand the classical belief that might makes right, and agree that it does give you some legal room here in operations out of J space. However, I would strongly object to the wearing of any official police uniform or SKIN outside of Jspace, as your operations there are not authorized by legal guidelines.

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Calling me an agent of the Empire and saying I am claiming oppression just shows how little you understand or care to understand the cluster.

Every Empyrean is entitled to their own delusions, but don’t come here and expect everyone else to pat you on the back and call you a ‘good boy’ for having them.

As a party who’s primary goal is to defy the authority claimed by the Empires over the less mighty I worry as much as the Empires do when it comes to respecting their boundaries. These Empire Agents do not respect our boundaries at all…

I wear it proudly everywhere I go!
Spit if you like, the fedos will lick it off.

Quite a claim. Anyone can claim to be sanctioned, but the documentation is gonna be harder to forg… er… produce.

Until (or rather, EVEN) then, it’s a pure case of “The authority I give myself is less imagined than the authority you have!”

Either put up a fight, or pay your fines man.

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Holy Bob, do you look outside your room? Many millions who have avoided current affairs have found themselves cut off from the rest of the cluster. I would also advise you to be a bit more interested in current affairs. Especially since it very closely relates to your beloved wormholes.

Saying that CONCORD has authority over this made-up order isn’t controversial even for me, and I hate CONCORD!

As I said, I was not physically present at either of these events. However, it is my understanding that when they trespassed upon our territory and attempted to destroy the material being extracted for proper use as standardized by the Empires heald under the Yulai Convention our forced did in fact engage do destroy the offending equipment.

As far as the use of a Mobile Tractor Unit in an Invasion contested system is part of important and ongoing operations. I do not know the exact situation that this stems from, and thus do not recall the details, but it seems reasonable to suspect I had no chance to respond. Fines levied without authority should not be paid, nor even responded to. However, if they are going to drag our good name and call us the “MOST WANTED” I will expose them for what they are: frauds using the trappings of authority to justify maliciousness and hypocracy.

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You should be a bit more interested in evemails with the title CRIMINAL CITATION that clearly spell out your crimes and associated fines.

I get this all the time. “SHOW ME THE LAW”, I never received notice, You don’t have any authority, do you have any idea who I am?, I’m demand a lawyer, blah blah My Struggle blah blah.

You’re not special. Just a run of the mill dirtbag who refuses to pay his fines and then complains when it comes back to haunt them. Always the victim never the victor.

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I wouldn’t argue with him anymore, he even feels like Signal Cartel are “dirtbags”