Would you like to see new (T2) ships coming to the game?

Was looking at the Typhoon EVE University page, and it mentionned that the ship doesn’t have a clear progression path since the Minmatar marauder uses projectile turrets. So I was thinking, would you be happy to see more variations in the T2 ships ?
In that example, I for one would love to see another Minmatar marauder based on the Typhoon’s hull that is instead bonused for missiles.

There is also the case of some hulls not having a T2 version, like the “tier 3” battleships (Rokh, Abaddon, Hyperion & Maelstrom) and the attack battlecruisers. Or the subject of pirate factions, with the Angel and guristas getting a complete lineup with the addition of pirate destroyers and battlecruisers. Being a sucker for Sansha ships, I’d love to see the spiked space horror faction getting new ships too that aren’t AT rewards.

What about the Triglavians, or EDENCOM ? T2 BLOP Leshak anyone ?
Just some rambling to get the discussion started, would love to hear people’s opinions of this topic.

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Sure, I’d love to see more T2 ships - maybe a T2 command/logistics class for battleships?


With me the deciding factor is always cost versus what the ship can actually do. Some ships, like the Phantasm, are just over-priced in terms of bang for your buck, when you can have much the same spec with a Navy Augoror for 1/4 of the price.


Although Pirate hulls have come down in price a bit over the last 6 months.

More variations across the board, yes. Especially variations in Role Bonus like those ships that only have bonus in missiles or drones or logi… I find it ridiculous that so much money would be spent creating a ship that is only good in one spectrum of warfare. Would be like a helicopter that can only shoot 7.62mm and cannot carry personel, have no rockets or radar.

Right, and the T2 version of a hull doesn’t have to follow the same weapon path the T1 version does, in this case the T2 typhoon, the panther, uses projectiles, much like the damnation is a drone ship when the base hull, the prophecy, is a missile platform, sure in a lot of cases the T2 version is just a bigger better version of the base hull, but that isn’t always the case and weapon systems can change drastically when you involve the T2 manufacturing corps

Mostly because there really isn’t a role for them, T2 versions of hulls are made when there is a clear niche for them to fill, like black ops and stealth bombers, and marauders already fill the role of bigger more tanky more damage dealing battleships to basically slot them in as small dreads

So for these tier 3 BS to get a T2 version there would need to be some sort of role those new ships could fill that isn’t just a bigger version of something that already exists, so no T2 logi BS etc

Yeah i want a BLOPs leshak, or even a stealth bomber, hell i even gave CCP an idea years ago that could have potentially made a cool trig bomber, but alas we never got it, and we likely won’t without them being an AT ship, because balance is a pain, and its fine for AT rewards to be stronger because they are limited in nature

So i’m with you that more T2 ships would be fun, but only if they can really add something to the mix or do something that other ships can’t

Better than having a ship that’s mediocre at everything and gets its ass handed to it by specialized ships the enemy uses in their proper roles.

I agree. I was thinking more of a ship that is good at several things instead of just one.

Add ships when their is a need, if that need is hyper specialized make it t2.

Don’t just make t2 to make t2.

Besides I’d rather the art team make existing ships more unique. Sepentas and guristas most existing t2 ships etcetera


A lot of players have asked for battleship-class logistics ships, no? Not sure about battleship-class command ships. I’d love a battleship-class high-sec capable carrier.

They could easily utilize the existing Abbadon, Hyperion, Maelstrom and Rokh hulls for a T2 variant.

Generally not players who understand the current game and it’s balance. There is already a very solid logistics progression.

For what roll? CCP can’t even figure out what roll the current carriers are meant to fill. They were supposed to be the anti sub cap step in escalation progression. But they gave Dreads HAW because they didn’t want to get rid of solo tracking Dreads. Tired to correct for this by giving carriers crazy application, that was broken so they nerfed them to the point that they aren’t much better than a Dread but for a significantly higher cost.

They said fk it give them a conduit and a capital Boosh, see what happens.

This turned out to be one of the best changes to the game in a long while… or it would have if carriers and Dreads were still just 1-2b.

EDIT: most of that isn’t relevant here but I’ll keep it. The way ccp handled the carriers just still really pisses me off i guess. They were so close but tried to change to much too fast and were terrified of upsetting the community

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You’ll have to indulge me with a bit more detail here (I vaguely remember when carriers were good). When you say “the way CCP handled the carriers just still really pisses you off”, do you mean nerfing their application when they were really good or not going far enough with the post-Equinox changes?

Before adding more T2 ships, spend some time to fix the goddamn game.

There are currently hundreds of ships to chose from already, this game isn’t lacking ship types. It is lacking a working “quality” concept for all those fancy ideas that came in lately or came in in the past, were never adressed and are an annoyance for the players till this day.

I would like a t2 Maelstrom. I’ve always loved it’s design

Since we’re discussing ideas for new T2 ships, I’d like to see a “sub-cap killer”. 6 turrets/launchers with heavy damage, rate of fire, reload bonuses and high sensor strength. Somewhere in the 1200 or so DPS range. Make them very fast and agile. Call them “Fast Battleships” or something.

A “Heavy Assault Battleship” idea was suggested some years ago, using the Tier3-BS Hulls as Base (Abaddon, Rokh, Hyperion, Maelstrom) to be large variants of the HACs to withstand heavy fire bursts better than normal Battleships, making the frontline of attacks or backbone of defenses.

The general idea was to let them use Assault Damage Control with a Duration bonus (20 seconds instead of 10 base), a high T2 resist profile and a lower base signature/highe base speed than their T1 counterpart. Main Purpose was to survive another fleet’s focus fire until reps are coming in. Basically a Damnation with the Firepower of a BS at the costs of a Marauder. But of course slower/bigger/less agile than Command Ships.

Thats what Command Ships already do. Ask a Sleipnir/Nighthawk/Abso/Astarte.


I like the idea.

I need this in my life.

You just described blops even down to the high scan res lol.

Edit just noticed you said sensor strength not scan res. But yeah that’s a blops

What is in need of being fixed in the highest priority currently ?