Wow, when did EVE become pay-to-win?

I had that problem with someone, until I learned that you gotta chop off the head.


im under the influence of alcohol ms @Destiny_Corrupted
but in vino veritas


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Age quod agis.

si vis me flere, dolendum est primum ipsi tibi :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh. Hi.

I knew your name was familiar when the fleet that I led today killed your Omen. I think you managed to come out ISK-positive in the matter with interceptors not being able to warp off before dying, so good job there.

In my mind I read that as itsy bitsy.

Veni, vermini, vomui.

Homo Homini Lupus


You mean 16? Like in every civilized country outside the us? :slight_smile:

In the US it varies from state to state between 16 and 18.

Elsewhere UK 16, France 15, Sweden 15, Denmark 15, Germany 14, Italy 14, Austria 14, Portugal 14, Hungary 14, Turkey 18, Spain 16, Japan 13 etc etc.

You might want to check your facts before making such a sweeping generalisation, although if we go by your past posting you and facts are unfamiliar bedfellows.


Let’s set the record straight: I might not be legal, but I’m legit AF.

I’m a cold carebear killa, EVE’s original gangsta, all yo’ barges better start alignin’ cause my Catalyst fasta’.


Word to yo’ motha, Darlo. :call_me_hand:

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Waifu for laifu?

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to be fair i fall for the bait
i was trying to loot the first ceptor wen the second came :smiley:
gf o7

insert captain america in here
I understood that reference!

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:open_mouth: ms @Destiny_Corrupted is so cute

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Has been for a long time. You have been able to buy a fully skilled character off the character bizarre and you have had the ability to buy plex and sell it in game for isk.

Anyone half decent at mmos can do this and then join a corp and be up and running in a short amount of time.

Nothing new, maybe someone just woke up or conviently chooses to ignore.

People who spend more money can adapt faster to changes, thats why CCP is forcing everyone to adapt so often. People with a credit card will buy skillpoints to adapt.

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Hear hear

a wise man once said


A few years back when they allowed people to directly convert cash into plex into skill points.

Doesn’t matter how many skill points you have, if you don’t have actual PvP skills yourself you’ll lose fights. Therefore Eve is NOT ‘pay to win’.

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