WTA 122M SP pvp toon


No kill rights
5.0 sec
Positive wallet
Located in Amarr

Bidding start: 100B
End of the action Sunday 23:59 evetime

Capital Ships V
Fighter Hangar Management V
Fighters V
Heavy/Light/Support Fighters V
armor/shield compensation V
Capital Shield Operation V
Caldari Carrier V
Caldari Dreadnought V
Perfect Planet Management

127 lvl5 skill/220 skills trained

cap/super :

subcap :
t2 minmatar frigate

other pod :

Ocular Filter - Improved
Memory Augmentation - Improved
Neural Boost - Improved
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved
Eifyr and Co. ‘Rogue’ Warp Drive Speed WS-615
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Management SM-705
Inherent Implants ‘Squire’ Capacitor Management EM-805

Ocular Filter - Improved
Memory Augmentation - Improved
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved

Ocular Filter - Standard
Memory Augmentation - Standard
Neural Boost - Standard
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Standard

100 bil buyout offer

105 bil

bump !

bump !

105.5 bil

bump !

last day, action end this evening

TxivYawg1 win

Sent name and isk

Waiting until wednesday

I can do 105 bil

waiting until 10H00 evetime after I accept another 106B offer or I cancel the selling.

106 billion, as agreed upon in game. Sending ISK and account information now.

ISK and Account info received, 1000 PLEX add in PLEX Vault and the ticket to support to initiate the transfer creates.

Thanks, Berserkerdragon. Please evemail me your alternate character name so that I can follow up with you and confirm completion of the transfer.

done by evemail

GM confirmed he transfer character.

Character received, thanks tapny!

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