I’m looking for an exhumer alt with reprocessing and mining skills to run t2 strip miners and crystals. Drone skills for t2 light drones and mining drones are a bonus
Willing to pay between 5b and 15b depending on skills.
I’m looking for an exhumer alt with reprocessing and mining skills to run t2 strip miners and crystals. Drone skills for t2 light drones and mining drones are a bonus
Willing to pay between 5b and 15b depending on skills.
Will you take 4b?
sorry thats a bit too low for me.
How much would you like? I’d have to inject that character a fair bit but it’s a good starting point for me.
if 5 sounds fair to you ill agree to it now
I can do 5b. I won’t be able to send the isk until tonight. About 8 hours from now.
ok ill message you then
you still up for the sale?
I am, but I am not home from work yet to complete it. I will reply back here when I am.
I am ready to send the money whenever you’re ready to start the transfer
ok cool gimme a minute let me see how transfers are done
Sounds good, I believe I just transfer the money to the character being sold, and you transfer it off and start the character transfer, but let me know if I need to do anything else, I haven’t done a character purchase before either.
ok im ready to do the transfer
Money has been transfered. Please transfer to the account.
[Edited by @ISD_Drew to remove account information]
ok 2 minutes
Received! Thank you!
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