Looking to buy a nyx sitter, ideally one that can also fly an ARES (or any other interceptor really, but ares would be ideal)
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pw: g4lw1x13
Shoot me an offer
Doesn’t fly Ares but that shouldn’t be hard to train.
Just reporting in with the character
16 bil give or take~
Would you be willing to go 18 bil?
If so, send isk and account info to character in game and will initiate transfer
I think 16 bil is a competitive and fair price, Im wiling to go as far as 17 bil, but no further.
Ok. I will accept 17 Bil.
Please send account name and isk.
Isk is ready, will contact you ingame for further details!
Account name and isk received
Initiating Transfer
Thank you. Will confirm when character has been recieved
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.
Thank you
character has been recieved.
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