WTB Perfect Scanning Pilot ~or~ Phoenix Pilot (or both!)

As Topic states. 220bil budget total for both. Please link characters here with the newest skill board site and I will take a look, and make offers. Thank you!

Priorities on Phoenix pilot: JDC5 > t2 Siege > t2 missiles

Priorities on Scanning pilot: Combat > Arch/Hacking

Bumping and grinding…

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Doc can you look at this please? It’s a weird…bump.


So your price ?

Appreciate the offer - but I’ve got a combat scanner now so - I’d be looking for an all-5s kinda guy. Thanks though!

Maybe this would be to your liking :slight_smile:

Are you still looking for a scanner? All 5s on me: Character Sheet

Here’s my sale post with info on location, remaps, implants, etc…: 32.5 Million SP covops (full scanning skills) & inty pilot

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