Deal send isk and info and i’ll start transfer.
isk and info sent
Transfer Completed. Thanks mate
6b ok?
63b offer
please double-check skill points on the character before confirming your offer sp at 73 million now
Pass 321
if your happy to go ahead i will be, please reply
5b ok?
The ISK balance on this char is 703 millon ISK,
so 6 B would be okay for me, if I can still take that away, 5.3 would be okay for me. What do you say ?
My english is quite weak, and I haven’t quite understood the transfer process yet.
But I am interested that it works perfectly.
there was before 93 million correct? my new offe ris now 50b
115 offer
agreed please go ahead and send me the isk and transfer info and i will transfer now, character in an NPC corp
isk and info sent, THX
isk received, will start transfer, Thanks
character transfer started please check
Apologies but why such a low ball offer on a 170K mil Char with 331 extractable injectors, I dont get it…
you dont calculate the human time, that is needed to finish this character…