WTS 11.4M SP Hulk/Exhumer Pilot

I am a hulk pilot and am for sale

Located in Jita
No kill rights, positive security status
Int/Mem mapped, timed remap available +1 bonus remap
+3 Implant set (no social implant)
Positive wallet
NPC corporation

Exhumers V
Mining Frigate V
Cybernetics V

Good support skills

eveboard: http://eveboard.com/pilot/Qrisis

Asking 7.5b

7b bo?

Sure, only because you bought my other one :slight_smile:, Awaiting isk

i am also interested in the other ones but i am not at home right now and the new forum does not offer mailservice?

I gotta sign off the toon, let me know when you send isk/mail with acct name

isk and info sent

Transfer started