Hello All
Looking to sell this 2008 Pilot: Minmatar Citizen 1081836269
- Character able to be renamed!
- NPC Corp
- Clean KB
- 1.6M SP Unallocated
- Can pilot Loki
- T2 Projectiles/HAMS
Looking for 13B+
Message here with offers no Evemail
Hello All
Looking to sell this 2008 Pilot: Minmatar Citizen 1081836269
Looking for 13B+
Message here with offers no Evemail
Bump to the top
Can you set something else than a Triglavian survival suit to see what gender & face this character have, please ?
I don’t want to bid on a cat in a bag
Sure thing. I can take care of that here in a bit. (At Work currently)
Bump to the Top!
8.0 B
12 Bill ready now if u like
@Otago_Dogwalker I’ll do that. Send isk and Account info over and I will send ASAP.
ok cheers
Awaiting ISK and Account info.
ISK and account sent, thanks.
Just replied to your EVEMail - do you want the Triglavian Suit ?
Replied back bro, you keep that if you like
Alright no worries. Just contracting it out to my other pilot and I will initiate the transfer!
@Otago_Dogwalker, ISK and Account info received. Character transfer initiated. You should be receiving the Email from CCP soon.
Character Transfer Initiated
You have chosen to transfer the character Minmatar Citizen 1081836269 to the account named JaXXXXXX.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.
Very tidily done bro. A very great pleasure dealing with you. Fly safe and thanks again!
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