Wts 125m sp combat toon

Excellent all round character,Spookyjay

Can fly a vast majority of sub caps and has JDC5 trained to go into what ever branch of capitals you like.
Would make excellent main character. or combat alt.

Positive isk and sec status. located highsec.
Bonus cool name. and 05 character (cus some reason people care about birth year)

buyout 110biill.
Accepting offers for 1 week

92b offered

92.5 bil

93b offered

95b offered

up just a lil more please

up cmon great base of skills

Buyout lowered to 95bill. Mii Lady has not responded. so any other taker?

My 93b bid is still good…

make iti 94 and its yours. as ive already come down a ton

I can’t go any higher than 93b, im sorry. That’s my absolute limit.

alright but only cus i am quitting (mostly). send isk and account dets

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Isk sent and account info sent via in-game mail. Thank you!

cool. be on in about a hour to sort and do the trans.

Sounds good!

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