for sale
No time wasters
Sensible offers
Starting bid : 100B
B/O :120B
Includes Transfer fees
for sale
No time wasters
Sensible offers
Starting bid : 100B
B/O :120B
Includes Transfer fees
100 billions
120B and you have a deal
Offering 110B , let’s cut the pear in half
I can not let it go for less than 120B i have the following I’m selling as well:
That’s the difference between a character with combat training and another with a bit of everything but no specialty.
115b can secure it.
You are a tough seller !!!
Alright agreed on 115B
agree sales for 115B
Isk and information sent
Character has positive wallet.
Character has no Kill Rights.
Character is in NPC Corporation.
will begin transfer
transfer started
it will be yours in 10 hours
Just received from CCP : Character Transfer Received
Everything looks like good
how about the other 2 toons?
I clearly remembered them but the prices were out of my range .
And with the sells of today I don’t have anymore that amount of isk
my main toon
If this is your man, why is such a suspiciously bad ig activity? Why sell other characters with a huge number of SP and not playing normally on main toon? I hope they belong to you, because if these accounts were stolen or or were obtained by deception, someone was out of luck
I hope to get it
they are not I used to play a lot, but RL getting in the way at the moment, can and wouldn’t let go of Spaceman as still play a bit.
Character received .
( studying other possibilities to buy)