Hello. I’m about to selling myself
Positive wallet
Will be delevered to Jita 4-4
Will quit corporation tonight
Start : 120b
B/O : 130b
Hello. I’m about to selling myself
Positive wallet
Will be delevered to Jita 4-4
Will quit corporation tonight
Start : 120b
B/O : 130b
116 bil
now located at jita 4-4
quitted corp and in npc corp now
117 Billion
a bit lower than my starting price… but okay.
can we chat ingame a bit?
please send me your account name and isk
I disconnected one sec logging back in
are the servers down? It will not let me log in
I dont think so. I am playing well now
It will not let me log in for some reason I am going to restart my computer and try again
something is not working every time I try to log in it is going right back to the login screen
no worries. just let me know when you online
ok thank you
I was finally able to log in
ISK and account information sent
ISK and Account name received. transfer will be started within 10mins. thank you
Ok thank you
Transfer has started
Thank you
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Master oeN
Will be completed after: 8/2/2018 4:33:27 AM
If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.
I have received an email from CCP stating that the transfer has been initiated. I will confirm here when the character has been received thank you
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