WTS 15m sp Cyno V tengu subsystems skills V good scanning pilot Need GONE!

Selling my blops hunter pilot, throw any bids or offers below. I need this pilot gone.


10 bill

12 bill takes her

10.5 bil



11 Bil ?

Super late reply but 11 bil is good. First to offer is her new owner

I would like to offer 12b

PM Derek Pan if u think the offer is fair enough

Bump! 12 bil is good.

11 bil first come first serve

11B Offer

11.5 bill

12 B Offer

12.5 bil

1 Like

12.5b is good.

Send isk and account name so I can transfer.

I’ll be keeping watch so I can start the transfer immediately.

sending isk and account info give me 10 to 15 minutes

isks and account info sent.
Please confirm receipt and character transferr status.
Thank you

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Lara Kelam

Will be completed after: 1/8/2019 1:17:29 PM

Character is on her way.