WTS 16 mill Indy


Charecter is for sale! Awesome miner and reprocessor. Needs a good home
Selling one/1 Exhumer PIlot with near full mining skills, with good drone skills, decent processing, and reasonable shield skills.

No Kill Rights
Positive Wallet and Sec Status
2 Remap available

I’ll pay transfer

Starting bid: 6B
Will accept highest bid on Tue 1PM Eastern Time, or B/O 10B

I’ll go 10 bil

Deal. Send Isk and account info

Sending now…


ISK and account info has been sent. Thanks!

2.4 Bill recieved the remaindser 8.6 bill is missing

Balance (7.6 for a total of 10.0) sent, my bad, working on two deals at once ;=)

no prob. Howe do i use plex to transfer now?

I believe you can do that through a support ticket

in Game ?

Go to eveonline.com, click on Support, log in and create a support ticket requesting “Transfer Character for PLEX”. Provide a link to this auction thread, provide my account info, and have 1,000 PLEX in Centurion’s pocket. I think that should do it ;=)

TY Im working on it now

Cool, please evemail me your alternate character contact so that we can communicate on the progress.

Thanks, Maizie

Character has been received. Thanks to the support team for a quick turn around!

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