WTS 164M Super/Dreadnought/Marauders/All sub cap PVP pilot

Wallet balance: positive
Kill rights: none
character location: Jita
Standings: 5.0

Im hereby selling my PvP account that started with subcaps/marauders and ended up as a super pilot (minmatar). You even get the incredibly rare Sebiestor SKIN with it as well.

Perfect skills for all marauders and (almost all) subcaps, perfect skills for Minmatar+Caldari dreads. Perfect Super skills.

SkillQ Link

QSNA link

Starting bid: 140bil

qsna link plz

140b offer. Do you have any noteable jc‘s?

Please make QSNA link. Thank you.

Added QSNA link + bump

All noteable jc’s are in nullsec so not useful

165b offered



175b offered


185b offered

@Leah_Amatina let me know if you accept. Otherwise, offer lasts 24 hrs.

@Artemire_Dominias I accept your offer. Please send your account information and ISK.

Isk and account details sent ingame

Thank you, i will start the transfer when im back home from work in about 8-9 hours.

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