WTS 18.5 Mil SP / PVP Focused toon

Sitting at a comfortable 18.5 mil with almost perfect gallente, small gunnery, engineering, drone, armor, shield and navigation skills, with roughly 100 million worth of implants. Solely PVP focused.
any offers?

Confirming that this character is for sale.


sold! to FrostyJack for 11 bill! Send me your info :smiley:

isk / account name sent

Also sell?


unfortunately, found out there’s a restriction transfer the account until it’s 14 days old. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ve already transferred the isk back to FrostyJack and will be back to sell this toon a week from now

Can I make a reservation

today marks the day the Kap Kann reached 14 days old. Character is up for sell once more! @GaryJ1_Hunan, are you still interested?

11.0 b

Sold! Looks like you came in first this time, @4th_Place_Loser ;D

Do you want isk and acct ID now or you are waiting?

I’d appreciate both right now(:

Send me an in game mail of your acc ID

Isk and acct ID sent.

Character Transferred, thanks again, @4th_Place_Loser :smiley:

Another player is transferring the character Kap Kann to your account named **********************.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thank you also!

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