19.2 Mil, Ships as the title says. Can fly with various degrees of deficiencies (she is only 19 mil SP)
Positive Wallet Balance
Positive Sec Status
No bounties/Kill Rights
NPC Corp
Jita 4-4
No assets included in sale or notable implants/clones
Remap available. Negligible SP unallocated
17 Bil Start/23 Bil BO
Auction ends Dec 16 2023 1800 MST (I’m out of town Dec 13-15)
Online very little except to claim SP. Contact here or Nightmother in game with questions or offers. Thank you.
Plans fell out, home early. 22b b/o accepted if you are still interested Johnny. Please send ISK and account info to be transferred to, (and please leave a note when sent here) and I will begin the transfer immediately.