it doesn’t.
you put omega on an account not on the character.
Ok thanks! Still 15b+
Let’s do 14b
Please send evemail with account info & ISK (14b)
Are you still interested? Bidding still open unless you can confirm
I have your 14B if they don’t respond
Looks like they’re not interested. Let’s do 14b like above please send evemail with details & ISK
Not sure if I replied to you or not with my last post so please see above
Isk and account sent, thank you.
Thank you,
I believe you have too many characters on that account. Please send another evemail with the account name for me to safely transfer to.
Done. Account is ready.
All done. thank you for sorting that out!
‘Will be completed after 2/12/2024 4:42:56 AM’
Much appreciate the business.
apologize, i had some IRL Stuff going on, can’t get into the game for a little bit.
was not my intention to let you wait.
glad to see there are other’s interested (it’s a good deal after all)
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