WTS 1x May 2003 character with low SP

Damn. I’m glad I didn’t win.

Do you know when NPC Corps were created?
I have a Character from 2004 and don’t want to ruin him.

Ok, it looks like Real Poison was the last one to suffer the curse.

Her actual birth-date is 2003-05-29 10:53:00 but her character sheet shows 2003/05/29 16:21. Use EveWho for a reference. If she had waited 10 years the result would be the same. Siths if off more than 3 years. 2003-05-10 17:28:00 ~vs~ 2006/08/05 20:12.

Everyone born before that date (2003-05-29 10:53:00) will have the wrong (and newer) birth-date.

Thx for the info, I almost paid 30B for a 2018 blank character lol.

A 2003 blank character, which is exactly what I advertised it as. It’s DOB is 2003, as can be seen in game and via the API and eveboard and it resides in the Top250 oldest characters on eveboard. I don’t believe there are any ways to change a characters DOB.

Essentially, he will lose that 2003 birth-date the second he joins another corporation. If you don’t believe me ask CCP.

You’re both right, my intentions were to move it into a Corp when I bought it.

This is simply not true. The DOB does not change.

What is Siths DOB?


Feel free to log into your Eve Client to verify…

Siths’ DOB is 2003-05-10, as per eveboard and the API. You’ve pasted a screenshot from a tab literally called ‘employment history’, why would that contain the DOB?

Because it literally shows up on every player’s character sheet in the game EXCEPT for those players born before 2003-05-29. I don’t see how you’re not getting this.

I have discussed this at length (for years) with CCP.

Again, it is not showing the characters DOB, which cannot be changed and will not change by joining a corp. The ‘employment history’ will change if you join a corp because that’s exactly what it is, employment history, not date of birth.

At this point, I’m trying to decide if you’re trolling me. Look at this Character Sheet:


You’ll notice that his ORIGINAL corporation is listed at the bottom. That is an NPC Corp.

Now, look at beecat’s Character Sheet:


Do you see anything different? What do you think that will show once she joins a Player Corporation?

Employment history will be updated. Date of birth, which is not shown on that screen, will remain the same. DOB as shown on the characters own character sheet will remain the same. You seem to be confusing date of birth with employment history, they are separate bits of data, stored in separate fields in the database and displayed in separate ways.

Its just a bug with really old characters, if eveboard is showing that DOB thats what its getting directly from the API, there is no way to fake what the API data is getting back. If you signed up on https://eveskillboard.com it’d show the exact same 2003 DOB because thats what the API has.

And people stop “mid-game” to check eveboard and the kill boards :rofl:

No one warned poor little lyeta [2003-05-06 11:19:00], and she lost EIGHT (8) years off of her age (in essence).


You can distort reality but you can’t change it.

Did solidox sell?

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