WTS С2-3-HS + Huge Industrial Cluster!

Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to offer something truly special for you! This isn’t a lot for those who look at Gecko sale in Jita local, but for those, who plays big and thinks big! So then!

System: Anoik.is
POCOs is ready to sell.
No any POSes inside.

  • 4 Citadels ready to use, ready to make stuff.

5 Barren planets, which allow you to reach any of your horniest planetary fantasies and also — huge industrial cluster for most profitable ships production!

T1 BS, T2 BS, T2C, T3C, fc BS, fc Cruisers — literally anything!

All Citadels with Fuel & Cores
Price: 16 bil
Contact me in-game: Write a letter or convo Kromm XIV
Or on Discord
Kind regards

Still available!
Charon as a Gift!

Still available!
15,5 bil - final sentence.

Sold! Thx you.

Structures’ sale was great. No hidden fees / cheating was involved. Thank you Kromm_XIV …!

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