5m sp can fly rattlesnakes, domis and VNI. Located in perimeter, isk goes to each char, positive wallets. Price negotatiable
5m sp can fly rattlesnakes, domis and VNI. Located in perimeter, isk goes to each char, positive wallets. Price negotatiable
I am for sale
I am for sale
I am for sale
I am for sale
I am for sale
I am for sale
I too am for sale
I am for sale
I am also available
You need to have all characters in an NPC Corp at time of listing. You are also missing information, like wallet, char location etc.
All chars have been kicked from corp and I updated the post, its been a while since I have sold a character
Just fyi, you pay the transfer fee and isk goes to each individual pilot
5.5B for Atomic Sigma
Accepted im at work till 6ish eve time I can complete when I’m back
I’m sending isk and account info to Atomic Sigma.
@Tempanautia I’ll start the transfer as soon as I get home
@Tempanautia Isk/account info received char transfer starting now
I received the confirmation email. Thank you.
4.5b for Onyx Iota