WTS 2 Morachas

Im out this is some kind of joke. They sold for far less than this, like 350B. Probably bids by friends.

Prices are dictated by the seller and as these are currently the only ones up to the public then they are 600bil unless seller compromises.
I only know of one more person who would sell and his buyout currently sits at 650bil.

If he stole all those ships, how do I know he wont steal my isk with fake bids? Use some of that brain power TIGGER

What? Can’t you work a contract in game? If you mean with fake bidders on a thread then that’s just the way the forums are allowed to work but I have knocked back 600bil in game for mine twice now.

Someone sell him one so he can undock it.

What you just said was almost complete jibberish, with incorrect syntax structure.

If the price is inflated by fake bids, then I am best off withdrawing completely from the process. Its my choice what to do with my ISK, I am not insisting he sell me one for cheap or anything as that would not be logical, he can say whatever price he wants.

Will take them both.

Complaining about fake bids and price fixing when it comes to AT ships is usually pretty pointless from what I’ve seen, especially with the rarer ships. Complaining about what essentially amounts to price fixing is especially hypocritical considering how you yourself have helped to do something similar in other threads.

i’ve seen you (and plenty other unique owners) come into threads and saying something like (not direct quotes here) you think a Caedes shouldn’t sell for less than 160 bill when the going rate at the time was 110 bill; or saying that you wouldn’t sell a Chremoas for under 400B when the going bid was 250 bill.

You also insist on propagating the rumor CCP aren’t going to make any more OP prize ships which so far as we know currently, patently false. Fore everyone that is getting caught up in this idea: NO ONE FROM CCP EVER SAID THIS WAS HAPPENING IN AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY; IT WAS JUST ONE SENTENCE BY FALCON SAID OFFHAND THAT HE DOESN’T LIKE HOW THEY ARE OP, IN THE CSM NOTES. Saying that is exactly like the artificial panic created when someone said on reddit they heard Fozzie say there were going to be no more AT Ships at all; and everyone freaked out for six weeks until the hydra/tiamat were announced. Fozzie loves OP AT ships, and has a much bigger hand in designing them than Falcon does.

All of these are classic examples of someone with uniques trying to help drive up the prices, along with using alts to put in fake bids.

Now that you’re on the other side of table of a rare ship that is hard even for someone in your position to get; you are subject to the effects of this artificial price setting/inflation.

I don’t mean for this to come off aggressive, or passive/aggressive in any way towards you personally at all!!! I have a lot of respect for how you actually undock and use your uniques (frequently at that, your zkill is normally fun to look at, and I hope to attempt to fight you in one someday) and the fortitude and skill that playstyle requires. And you have never been a jerk as far as I can tell, and I hope you don’t think I’m acting like one now.

But as someone with aspirations to enter the market (also to actually undock and use it) who is not in the Zahara/Tigger/Lynx/Magni/Blue circle, seeing hyper inflation of prices happen so quickly for no reason (at least there was a Caedes lost, which can account for some increase in price with that hull) other than investors trying to protect their stake and increase the value of their holdings is discouraging and really prevents people from getting in to the market (which can be good or bad for the investor depending on whether they are trying to buy or sell).

haha Maybe this whole comment is just me letting out repressed frustration from the last couple weeks, “show me on the doll where the AT ship owners touched you.” I don’t think it is, but on the off chance that I am biased and salty i’ve done my best to be dispassionate here and put my bias out there for people to consider as well.

Sorry for the early morning rant, i haven’t had any coffee yet here.

TL;DR Don’t hate the player, hate the game?

Good luck with the bidding gents!

To OP; I bid 350. If your other bids drop out as this auction drags on please contact me!

*edited for formatting


I have a lot of mails and offers. I will go through them and then decide.

Best of luck with the sale.

Be sure to post the high bids here my good sir, so those of us that are watching with our own bids not yet made can review.

This whole comment was a “plz sell it to me for 350 bid cause i will toats use it lol”


Hydra and tiamat and 300 bil bid still stands.

These ships SHOULD NOT be sold less than 600. This and Blue’s are the ONLY ones you will have access to as PL and a couple of the Hydra/Vydra guys that own these will not sell them. I offered 500 bil isk and they still wouldn’t

You are a competitor. This is nothing personal Mr Kateelo.

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haha absolutely not, i don’t actually think he should sell it to me for 350 bill at all, it would be ludicrous. I’ve just heard that the forum mods are pretty heavy handed, so I figured if I didn’t bid anything then my post would get removed as being off topic. 350 is the most I could scrape together to actually bid, so that’s what I put.

Are the forum mods that bad or is a bit of discourse allowed on threads like these?

offer 600 then?

If someone buys one for 600b I will eat my hat.

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Bid retracted

No contact to myself or contracts for the 2 Morachas set to myself after 2 days.
Offer to take the 2 morachas now revoked, have sourced 1 from someone else and currently in talks for a 2nd.
Can only assume seller doesn’t have said ships and is talking from somewhere other than his mouth.

Thats rubbish, nobody else is selling them. Now we know you are a fake bidder.

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Both ships sold. Buyer wants to remain unknown. Thank you for the interest, discussion and (fake) bids. It can be closed now