[WTS] 2004 148M SP SubCap/Perfect Trade+Link/JF

I’m for Sale


SP 148.828.200
Unallocated sp 744000

Positive wallet
No killrights
All jump clone in NPC station
Location : Jita 4 NPC station

Small Killboard

Bids from 110B
B/O for 140B

Will start the bids… 115 Bil

Bid received. Auction end on monday

Daily Bump

Daily bump

120B offer now

122 bil

130B isk offer

131 bil

135B isk offer

136 Bil

140B isk offer

141 B/O

145B B/O

Nah, too much… enjoy :slight_smile:

Wait for Valenn91 acceptance

Offer Accepted.
Transfer ISK to Valenn91 and send an eve mail With account name for transfer

Thank you very much for your acceptance. Please wait 24 hours for payment

Thank you for waiting,Isk and acc have been send

Transfer initiated
Thank You