4 Bonus Remaps and a unique attribute configuration not possible anymore (15 base Charisma, equal on all the others). Currently in high sec with +4’s implants
Starting Bids at 5B
4 Bonus Remaps and a unique attribute configuration not possible anymore (15 base Charisma, equal on all the others). Currently in high sec with +4’s implants
Starting Bids at 5B
Ill get you started with a bid of 5B.
High bid is 5B, I’ll let it go 48 hours and end it.
Thanks for the bid!
Anyone else interested?
Final Call!
5.2B offer, valid 1 hour
5.2B accepted if within timeline, please send isk to this toon and I will get the transfer started.
Was the isk sent?
It was not, I have been gone all morning on family business. If you would still like the character please let me know
Isk and Account info sent. Please confirm. Just out of curiosity what transfer are you going to use?
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Keltrian Kroan
Will be completed after: 12/31/2018 1:28:25 AM
Oh this was fast thank you
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