WTS 22.9 mil SP Rorq & cap building Pilot


All CCP rules apply

1 isk in wallet
0.9 sec status
is docked with pod in Jita
Remap available now

bidding starts at 20bil

Bidding ends on the 26th unless a buyout is accepted before that

Transfer will be done by plex. So will petition when deal has been agree’d.

19b to start you off

thanks for the bump. Starting bid is 20.

20bn offer

Bump to the top

In game offer made



24bil isk ready tomorrow

sorry dudes i went away for 2 days and forgot my laptop :frowning:

Will accept 25bil buyout. will petition the transfer as soon as the buyout is met and isk and account details are sent

25 B/O ready online now

Will pay 26.5 later today if you can wait till I finish work

Will accept your offer @Baltazario sent isk and acc name when you are online

Isk and account details sent

Thank you Petition has been sent to CCP to start the transfer using plex

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