WTS 24M Miner Character with other assorted skills


14 billion

I have the liquid isk in my wallet right now, ready to go! =)




Seller, is there a buyout price? I’ve never been much of a lame .1 isker


i think you’re going the wrong way… highest bid is still mine at 14.5bn

not sure what happened, edited


16b is the magic number. You have yourself an excellent new character. ready to transfer

Great!! Send isk and account name to Marcos in game?

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yes please

Sorry for the delay! I realized just a little before the auction ended that I hadn’t made space for the toon on my account. Now the account is ready to receive him into the fold! SENT ISK to Marcos Blackthorn and Evemailed my acct name! Thanks so much for selling, he has just what I’m looking for!

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