WTS 258m sp Caldari Titan, Dreadnought and Sub Cap Pilot

Hello,i bid 162b :grin:Can i get it?

160B offer

Sorry I already have a 170b offer

170B,Trade now if you can

If you go to 175b then I will trade now, as I already have a 170b bid.

It will take about 1 day to prepare 175B, please confirm

Sure 1 day is no problem. Just transfer the isk and account details to this toon when ready and confirm on this thread and I will initiate the transfer.

It’s not enough for 175B. Withdraw the offer. Sorry

No problem Chila’s offer of 170b is still the leading offer.




ok Dart Lady if you are ready to go then I accept 170b. Please send the isk and account details to this toon and I will start the transfer.

isk sent acc info ingame

Dart Lady, I have refunded your isk because CCP will not let me transfer this toon for some reason? I have submitted a ticket to resolve this, but CCP may take some time in replying to this. Once it is resolved I will contact you to see if you are still interested. Sorry for the inconvenience.

thank you yes care about char.do not understand what could be the problem

Any results from CCP? I am still interested in your account number, please sell it to me if possible

char still have it? or sold it

Does it still exist? Is it still for sale?

175B has been prepared