WTS 27.7M Nyx starting pilot


DOB: 2008.09.30
SP: allocated 27,751,489 + 0 Unallocated SP
Bonus Remaps: 1
Security Status: 0.0
Wallet: 2,336,827isk
Location: Jita
Corporation: Ministry of War
Jump Clones: none
Kill Rights: none
Implants: none

Starting bid and reserve: 22B
B/O: 25B

Thank you for your interest

22B, didnt read reserve first time…



Thank you Drogoth for your initial offer and bump. You’re currently the highest bidder and if there’s no other bids in the next 24hrs this character is yours.

Coca thank you for the bid and bump.


sorry dude, after doing extensive spreadsheet warrioring im gonna have to cancel the bid gl with the sale,
hopefully coca cotton still wants it

Congratulations Coca,

this character is yours for purchase should you wish.

Please let me know when you’re able, and we’ll begin the transfer process.

Cheers and thank you.

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