WTS 3 Low SP 2004 Characters - Sold

Hi all,

I’m looking to sell three low SP 2004 characters.

The value in these characters is primarily because they were born in 2004, therefore, making them quite rare.

Here are the links to their skill-sheets:

Jack’ Sparrow


Enigma 11

  1. All three characters are in the NPC corporation.

  2. Wallet balance is zero on all three characters.

  3. No kill-rights.

  4. All located in Jita 4-4.

All CCP rules apply.

Buyout: 6.5 Billion ISK each.

Thank you!

Confirming this character is for sale.

Confirming this character is for sale.

Buyout all 3 characters for 19,5 billion isk



Please send ISK and username(s).

Once received, transfer will be initiated and confirmation will be provided.

Deal accepted , sending 6,5 billion isk to each character and account username


Thank you, please let me know once sent and I will begin the transfer process, etc.

Account username and 6,5 billion isk sent to Enigma 11

6.5 Billion ISK and account username received on Enigma 11.

Account username and 6,5 billion isk sent to Ripley12

6.5 Billion ISK and account username received on Ripley12.

Edit: Moving characters to Jita and carrying out final checks.

Account username and 6,5 billion isk sent to Jack’ Sparrow

6.5 Billion ISK and account username received on Jack’ Sparrow.

Please allow me a short period of time and I will update the thread (5 - 10 minutes).

Transfer of Enigma 11 has been initiated.

Transfer Confirmation


I am unable to send Ripley12 to the specified account, as the account is pending receiving Enigma 11.

I received the following message when attempting the transfer:

“Target user is already involved in a character transfer”.

Can you provide me with an alternative account, or we will have to wait for the first transfer to complete?


Edit: The same applies to enable me to transfer Jack’ Sparrow.

Can you transfer the character to the same account, one by one , I would be happy with that.

Thanks in advance

If you’re happy to wait, no problem at all.

There will be roughly a 10 hour gap between transfers.

I will keep this thread up-to-date.

Ok, thank you!

You’re welcome, thank you for your patience.

I’ve sent you a short eve-mail.


Enigma 11 has arrived , waiting for the other characters