WTS: 35m SP Tengu Pilot (2012)


Current implants and implant clones

45,255 unallocated skill points
Positive wallet

Weak KB https://zkillboard.com/character/92582257/
…could make a good hunter alt with the right cyno skills

Location: Azhgabid

Bid start: 25b
Buyout: 32.5b

Looking to sell by Sunday. I’ll be active throughout this weekend so buyer will get the toon extremely quickly. If B/O met, will send via character transfer$$$ style, not plex.

30b offered

Noted, awesome. Will let this ride until 00:00 Sunday and will transfer if no one else offers the extra 2 1/2b to BO

32.5bill BO

Sounds good. Send isk and account info and I will send

account info send and isk send.

Recieved and will send asap. Ty

Character Name: Psajho

Will be completed after: 4/7/2018 5:06:55 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

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