Confirming i am for sale

confirming i am for sale

confirming i am for sale

confirming i am for sale

Williamkidd 120 bil

Cpt Williamkidd 133 bil

Theminers Deninard 40 bil

Still for sale.

Kian Alvane 10b

Kian 11 bil

Thebuilders 20 bil

Kian 11 bil accepted.

Il be home from work at 2130 at will do transfer then if isk and details sent

Isk and account name sent, available slot confirmed.

Ticket submitted, thank you.

FYI any bid below injector value will be considered a free bump.
Minimum prices displayed

Daily bump

Daily Bump

Thebuilders1 Deninard 24b

I will accept that offer, send isk and account details then i will create a ticket.

Thank you.

isk and info sent, please confirm transfer