WTS 46m+ SP general pvp char t3, all crusers, destroyers, frigates

35 b/o isk ready

Check the character history in game. You will see it was transferred recently

r u still selling?

0/ Sry, was in work trip. Yes. still ready for deal

36B i offer

I provide 37B

I offer 40 b/o

i accept your offer. What are next steps? Selling character first time

I’ll answer for them.

They evemail the character you are selling with the Username of the account they want you to transfer to & sends the isk. You transfer the isk off to an alt and copy the username down (pause your training queue btw)
Go to https://secure.eveonline.com/transfer-character and log into the account. Follow on screen instructions. Pay the $20. You get a confirmation screen, they get a confirmation email.

Send me an evemail with my username. The content must include that you are selling your character to me for 40B. I will then transfer the ISK to the character you are selling, and evemail you my account name.

You can then transfer the character to me by accessing the link as described by your friendly ‘Pep Potts’.

Transaction status. 40B ISK transfer completed. Received a confirmation email. Notified that the character transfer will be delayed due to an issue with his card.

Confirm. Money received. Payment problems. Already send request #2044786. Still no answer(

Character transfer in progress

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