WTS 49.3 mil SP Super/Carrier Pilot

http://eveboard.com/pilot/Gano pw is 1234
Gal Carrier 4
Min Carrier 3
Light Fighters 4
Superiority Fighters 4
Heavy Fighters training to 4, 2.5 days left
Fighters 5

Drone Support skills all 5, lots of support skills at 5.

Pilot also has skills for flying as an explorer and using travelceptors.

Pilot has many skins, like 300+ but few rare ones. Can be more specific if someone is interested.
Pilot is located in Jita 4-4, has a positive wallet, positive sec status and no killrights

Not sure on B/O looking to see what offers are like.


35.1 b

36 bil

36.1 b

36.5 bil

36.6 b

Good start but I’m looking for higher offers.

just say how much b/o

40 bil

41b b/o now

still looking for a bit more than 41.5, thanks for the offers.


still avalaible ?

42B isk ready

43B isk ready

Still available.

if 43b is ok for you i am ready right now

44 bil and it’s a deal.

Ok for me for 44 bil