[WTS] 50m skill point pilot (1-9day any dread,20-30day any capital)

Fine fine. 47 bill

hahaha :wink:

the price is 50b :rofl:

  1. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m willing

Add one more and happy Christmas to both of us :christmas_tree:

50 bill. Iā€™m still not happy about it though lol. your toon still has a lot of training for what I need it for, but dammit its got some solid skills in the direction I need. This is most definitely my final offer as I know Iā€™m already over paying. 50 Bill B/O Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift:

For both of us :wink:

i log in the char, send the money send the acc name and i start the transfer asap, ok?

sounds good, one second and Iā€™ll start a convo with you from the account to transfer to for the isk transfer

im in the game with this char, waiting

Iā€™ve started an in game chat with you, no reply yet

i not see any chat invite

Try to invite me then, PatronOfDeath

Iā€™ll try to reinvite

done it

I see nothing, let me try from my other account BlutFlecke

hmm, why not working conversationā€¦

Iā€™ve tried from my other as well? can you not accept them?

not see anything

I sent an in game mail. Did you receive it?

yeah, mail working

Alright sent another in game mail to confirm the transaction

i write a reply in game