100% clean pilot, no corp history, no killboard, nothing.
Positive sec and wallet
1 jump clone in Jita
+4 learning implants for all 5 stats + scanning implants
No kill rights, no anything. This handsome friend is as clean as they get.
Pilot is in hi-sec (Rens)
4 remaps
I don’t think I missed anything, the skillboard says enough.
I won’t entertain anything below 1 billion ISK per 1m skillpoints. No specific buyout, basically when I say “wow that’s a lot of ISK”.
Bump again. As I’ve said, I’ll go 1b per 1m SP, I’m not in a hurry, this character can sit fallow and inactive again. I’ll round down in the buyers favor since he’s about to eclipse 53m and say 52.