[WTS] 61,5M SP perfect Vendetta/Hell/Nyx Pilot with nomad set


Im selling this awesome toon :


Positive wallet
No killrights
Have the pretty nice “Spirit” Skin for the Nyx
Killboard history is pretty much clean
Cool name
Docked in Jita 4-4

Starting bid : 45B

Reserve : 60B

B/O : 70B

Edit : forgot to mention, the character has a set of mid-grade nomad for a rough total of 3B in implants

45B, isk ready

46B, Isk ready


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I forgot to mention, the character has a nomad set


Isk is ready, if you accept ill send isk and account info or we can negociate

tbh im hoping for a bit more than that, ill convo you

Eve mail plz i’m not home , ill go back home in 2hour

Added reserve and buyout

Currend bid : 55B

I will be away from my computer until saturday afternoon feel free to contact me on the forum though.

60B ill keep a eye on forum eve mail works too

Reserve met, I will let run the auction until saturday 13:00 eve time, highest bidder at this will get this pilot :slight_smile:

Pulling my Bid Sorry for the trouble good Luck!

60bil i bid

This is my maximum, or i would make a cap pilot myself

Auction ends in a bit more than 2 hours, if no one else bids, the toon is yours Condotiero :)!

now we can proceed our trade, check in-game mail plz