WTS 62m SP Character All-rounder, PVP + Mining FULL Shield, Armor, Support, Gunnery & Drones

Really nice starter Character or main

Link to Skills

Located in Jita + JC in jita
No Kill rights
Positive Wallet
Remap ready
+3 implants
Full supporting Skills

Looking for 43b

35b Offer

I appreciate all offers but as it’s still early days. Compared to others I have seen I think 45b is decent.

I hope you will get it…


Bump up

price reduced, open to offers north of 40

up to top

Come on you beautiful people. Up to the top.

38b vaild for 12 hours

38.5b offer

Really looking for 40b, call it 39.5b and its a deal :stuck_out_tongue:

call it 39b and its a deal

sent you a mail :slight_smile:

Trading toon101

I accept your offer of 39 billion isk.

Please send isk and account name when ready.

Isk and account name sent

Sorry for late reply


13 Dec 2020 18:34

EVE Character transfer

Confirming i have had Transfer notification thank you for sale

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