WTS 7.9m SP Exhumer V/Null sec T2 crystal


Pilot will be located in secure space in Kasrasi 0.6
Positive wallet, no kill rights, all ccp rules apply
This character will receive ISK
I will pay the xfer fee

Starting 7b
BO 11b

Ends Thursday 3/14, I’ll post one hour prior to end.

daily bump
fly safe

up up :slight_smile: lets get some bidding

6.5b bid

7 Bil

thx for bids, ending less than 24hrs

Withdraw posted on the wrong one

thank you for bids, auction ends in 2hrs at 5pm EST

Auction Over

Groot Brustir please send Orti Yaken 7bil ISK and account info and post here once done please.

Rog, just woke up and headed to work. I’ll shoot ya ISK when I get home

Ok, please respond in here when completed so I see the post and log in the appropriate chracter and complete process for you. Thank you.

ISK and Mail sent :slight_smile:

Your account you have me sending this to is already full according to CCP. Please delete a character or send me another account to transfer to.

Please post again once completed and I’ll try to catch it asap.

Oh duck. Forgot about that. I just started the biomass procedure. Should be done in 10 hours from this post.

still too many users. I cannot check the forums all day today for when this is completed, I did not plan on having to xfer toons today given all auctions ended Thursday.

Please post when completed and I’ll xfer as soon as I am able to once I see the post here.

So I apologize for the delay but it’s going to be up to yourself at this point to help me get you your new character. Just checked again and still have a full account. So I’ll just poke my head in this thread from time to time to check on any progress. fly safe

Yup! Just got home from work… apparently I need to confirm the biomass after that 10 hour time… which I’ve done so right now and the account is ready.

Sorry about that, thank you for your patience

transfer initiated

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Character Recieved!! Thanks my dude!

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