Located in Test space in Feythabolis
Positive Wallet
No kill rights
2 Remaps
Well relocate before its bought
Taking offers. pw:1234
Located in Test space in Feythabolis
Positive Wallet
No kill rights
2 Remaps
Well relocate before its bought
Taking offers.
Whether to accept 50B offer
Ill take it, just looking to get rid of it
So do you accept 50B?
Yes i do
I pay ISK immediately
Give me a few mins. let you know when i am ready
OK. I wait for your news
I am ready
Already paid, account sent in game
flying the ship out of null then ill start the transfer cool?
I can accept it
I cant transfer until 14 days. ill refund your money, whats the name
Is this ID
The transfer role needs to be in an NPC company, could it be for this reason?
nah, just read it needs to be 14 days old. its an injected chracter, only 3 days old
just sent the 50B back
OK my friend, if you want to sell him after 14 days. Please email me, my proposal is still valid
sounds good. thanks
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