WTS 74m sp char rev/ links/ recon

Good all around char for sell 74m sp


Negative sec status -1.66

positive wallet

location jita high sec

no kill rights

1 yearly remap available

Buyout 65b

Baba s Gandurasa 38B


45B and I will wait for 48h

48 bil

i will wait until saturday morning after that the char is yours O_Rourke_Kashada!

plz send account info and isk so i can begin char transfer. ty

Bid withdrawn, you’ll have to go with Richman Windy.

Character price doesn’t reflect value to me anymore

42b offer isk ready

you are the next one in line. plz send account details and isk for transfer.

I can make 43 work because I intend to turn this toon into a titan pilot and it’ll need 6 months of training at a minimum.

alright will give it another 48hr then if your bet isnt beaten by then its yours ( only given more time since you changed the offer)

alright, 45B still ok

send me your information and the isk and i will initiate the transfer

ISK and account name sent

trsf will start when the system lets me info and isk confirmed

still not get transfer mail

you should get it now ty o7

got the mail, thx

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