(WTS) 86m SP Apostle, Ark, and Rorqual Pilot (Sold)


Pilot Location: Villore (0.5)

Positive Sec, Wallet, and Standing

B/O: 85 Bil

Starting Bid: 70 Bil

By the way the toon needs to be in an NPC Corp before you advertise iirc, or was it in NPC at point of sale

Totally forgot to drop corp thanks for the heads up Lord



Offer accepted, Sorry for the late reply I am out of town atm. I wont be able to complete the deal until Monday if that is okay with you.

Never mind I can transfer tomorrow if you still want the account.

ok I will accept that offer as well and will put the isk into your account after DT and will wait until you get back

Send Isk and account info to yoiky. I will transfer whenever it is done.

isk and account info sent to yoiky

I have received payment and account info. I am having a temp account transfer lock from ccp. I have already submitted a support ticket to get the account unlocked. Soon as I hear back from them I will send it your way. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CCP replied and got everything straightened out. Character transferred. Let me know if you have any issues so I can address them accordingly. Thank you for your patience.

received mail transfer on the way ty

Thank you! Pleasure doing business with you!

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