**note that eveboard still shows him in the previous corp
Character is in High-Sec, has positive sec status and is in NPC corporation.
Positive wallet no killrights
Several high end clones including a HG crystal set.
3.1mil unspent Skillpoints
Starting: 65Bil isk
BO: 85bil
EDITS: Added eveboard note and BO information.
Thanks for the offers guys - Still a bit low, but keep those offers coming.
I lowered the BO to 85b. Lets do this!
Norma ISE : if you can push it to 81 I think we can have a deal and start the process right away.
(Norma Ise)
April 23, 2020, 5:52pm
Good, 81 agree, but I need to work for the next hour, will be able to process after that
I am to be sold to NORMA ISE pending isk transfer/procedures. No other offers are to be considered unless deal falls through.
Isk received. Transfer in process. BUYER will update once character is received. Thank you Norma ISE.
July 23, 2020, 4:53am
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